Trading Courses

This page will contain all courses by Reid FX.
The page is still under construction, courses will be added over the coming weeks.

Click a button below to view the relevant courses.

Algo Courses

Flex Grid Course - FREE

This course was created to help Flex Grid users. It is aimed at people who have already purchased Flex Grid and are looking to get set up quickly.

You might also find the course interesting if you have heard about Flex Grid and are thinking about buying it. The course will help you to understand the potential performance of the algorithm and the risks involved in algorithmic trading. You’ll also see a mixture of live and demo account results.

DashPlus Recovery & Stack Grid Course - FREE

This course contains an in depth explanation of grid trading, detailed Dashplus tutorials and recommended settings for both Recovery and Stack Grid.

It also introduces a simple, yet powerful reversal trading strategy which is ideal for use with DashPlus.

Trading Courses

Swing Trading Strategy that can WIN even when you're WRONG!

This Swing Trading Course is super simple and even a novice trader can follow it with ease.

I’ll explain Mean Reversion – and show you the Powerful Swing Trading Strategy I built around it. By utilizing the principle of ‘Market Stretch’ you can find some amazing entry points.

I’ll also show you how to recover losing trades!

Day Trading Strategy that can WIN even when you're WRONG!

In this Day Trading Course, I’ll show you how to divide the market into sections which we will use as decision points.
Then you simply make the decision – to either buy or sell.

This strategy has a very high win rate, which most new and struggling traders will find easier to cope with than some traditional strategies. Although losses do happen from time to time with this system – as with any system. If done right, they will be controlled, recoverable and few.

The Complete Forex Trading Course for Beginners

The only course you’ll need to master the basics of currency trading.

This comprehensive course is aimed at complete newbies and provides the essential info you need to trade successfully. The course assumes you know nothing about forex trading and starts from scratch, covering everything from pips and points to margin and leverage. It will even introduce you to Algo Trading.

Coming Soon

Day Trading - Advanced Content

Coming Soon.